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environmental protection floor

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environmental protection floor

a lot of the first time in contacting a floor to decorate the customer key point of material, want to choose an environmental protection floor to be not easy thing.

Skill 1: Floor Smell

Floor of appraisal environmental protection still needs " smell odour " . Everybody is when the choose and buy, can take example of floor of a small environmental protection, hear top to whether have pungent peculiar smell, if exciting flavour is very strong, or the eye feels uncomfortable, prove this floor base material not environmental protection.

Skill 2: Weigh complementary makings

Floor environmental protection is not equal to the environmental protection after the shop is installed, the environmental protection sex of the complementary makings such as glue of the moistureproof mat of the floor, line that play a base, floor also is worth to pay close attention to. For moistureproof, increase amortize force to wait, the shop often can use moistureproof pad when outfit floor, the capable person that these ground pay is expanded plastics character, the inferior product with low price has noxiousness for certain, can send out the harmful substance that gives and so on of cresol, 2 cresol.

Skill 3: Look package

After the choose and buy is good, must affirm again when deliver goods. The floor bag mount that general and regular firm produces is due the manufacturer name that Chinese tags, address, service instruction and environmental protection implement a standard. Brand floor has the test report that our country pledges check authority branch is shown, the label on the packing box in the product is complete, include registered trade mark, manufacturer management unit, model, amount, address, phone ect.
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pytanie zadane 9 lipca 2018 w Stajnia przez użytkownika niezalogowany

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